Friday 18 September 2009

Making the most of having fuck all to do

I would just like to point out how utterly wonderful and liberating it is to not have to do a single thing in the world. After a summer of working sixty-hour weeks for a bunch of heartless wankers (the parents, not the children), wiping kids' arses and cleaning toilets, there's a certain joy to be had in knowing that, for a few weeks at least, there is nothing pressing to be done. Of course, I could start revising some Japanese or reading the texts I'm studying this year, and I really should find some kind of job, but for now I am utterly content just to stay in bed until the early afternoon reading books, or taking two-hour baths surrounded by candles and bubbles, or catching up with all my friends that I was so cruelly separated from for five months. With a fridge stocked by the purse of Mama and Papa, and almost enough money left in my overdraft until the loan comes through, life is good.

I'm also feeling way more positive and optimistic than I was, say, six months ago. I think the time in France away from everything gave me a chance to sort out a lot of the built-up, unnecessary anger and frustration I had inside me (it really was unnecessary). Also, being in a situation where I never knew what was going to happen in the next 15 minutes (let alone the next couple of days!) and moving house and job at least three times has made me waaaay more relaxed than I was. This is a very good thing, especially for counteracting my inner (or not-so-inner) control freak. Dare I say it, I may have even become a little bit more mature! So, despite the rather large amounts of crappiness that I had to put up with as part of my au pair job and the three months in Pau-gatory, I would say that all in all France was a success for me, personally if not financially! And now I can hopefully chill the fuck out and well enjoy final year!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've found a positive out of the whole France experience!

    I guess after such a grueling summer, you deserve to have fuck all to do and enjoy it!

    Only, be glad it'll only be a fortnight of having nothing to do. Doing that during a two and a bit month period will melt your mind, and I can confirm this!
